CCS630 Cloud Infrastructure Planning

Description Project 3: Plan the Cloud Deployment ImplementationStart Here Print Project Your work to move BallotOnline’s operations is progressing, and executive leadership is happy with what you have proposed thus far: a policy document as well as an architecture plan for cloud deployment. In the meantime, the procurement department has selected a proposal in response…

Design and develop a portfolio website

Description Following down is the project description needed in the website: Introduction: For this midterm project, you are tasked with crafting a professional landing page and at least one additional page that is suitable for both desktop and mobile devices. By completing this mid-term you will learn the basics of project management, product design, quality…

Data 1501:Variable feature creation

Description Variable Creation Assignment Instructions: The assignment deliverable is to submit your completed Excel Workbook with the Variable Feature Creation Analysis tasks completed as a SINGLE EXCEL FILE. Use the provided “Assignment Submission Form – Variable Feature Creation” document to organize your output and answers. Continue working on the same “Housing Market Dataset – Post…

Computer Science Question

Description Maze – Starter – Test Methods Maze – Starter – Test Methods… Purpose As a reminder, the purpose of this task is to apply the programming skills you have acquired to a practical and in-depth project. In this assignment, you will practice designing and using methods, strings, and 2D arrays. If…

Implementing Information Systems

Description Western Digital faced the challenge of integrating three different legacy ERP systems. Describe how WD used cloud-based ERP solutions to address this issue, and discuss the challenges and benefits they encountered during this transition. How did the move to the cloud reflect current trends in information systems? WD’s migration process cost $40 million more…


Description If you haven’t already done so last week, download the Troubleshooting and Tools Report Template and use it to record your work. The SITREP (Situation Report) Sample Report is provided so that you can understand what Cyber Command is expecting in your report. Your report will vary depending on the problem and tool selected….

TM352: Web, Cloud, and Mobile Technologies

Description Cut-Off Date: –/–/—-. Total Marks: 100 marks turned to 15 marks Contents Warnings and Declaration…………………………………….……………………………………1 Phase 1 ……………….…………………………………. …………………………………………2 Phase 2 ………………………………………………………………………………….………….2 Phase 3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Marking criteria …………………………………………………………………………………….3 Plagiarism Warning: As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA work and avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated…

Cyber Security Question

Description Critically review TWO articles related to an issue in security administration. Submit 2 files. Each article will be from a different security publication from the list below: • Homeland Defense Journal• Information Security• Information Systems Security• Intelligence and National Security• International Journal of Conflict Management• International Journal of Information Security• International Journal of Police…