case study, MGT325 Management of Technology


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part 1

Case Study : Tesla, Inc. in 2018

Please read the case study “Tesla, Inc. in 2018” on page 115 of your textbook “Strategic Management of Technological Innovation” and answer the following discussion questions. This assignment is worth 10 marks, with each question assigned specific marks as indicated.

Question 1 (2 marks):

  • What were Elon Musk’s and Martin Eberhard’s goals in founding Tesla?

Analyze and compare their motivations and vision for the company.

Question 2 (2 marks):

  • How would you characterize competition in the auto industry in 2018?

Discuss the key factors that defined the competitive landscape for Tesla during that time.

Question 3 (2 marks):

  • What do you think are Tesla’s core competencies? Identify the strengths that contributed to its success.
  • Does Tesla have any sources of sustainable competitive advantage?

Explain whether these advantages are likely to endure.

Question 4 (2 marks):

  • Evaluate Tesla’s strategic moves into:
  • Mass-market cars,
  • Batteries (car batteries and Powerwall),
  • Solar panels.

Discuss the motivations behind these moves and the opportunities and challenges Tesla faced in competing in these businesses.

Question 5 (1 mark):

  • Do you think Tesla will be profitable in all of these businesses?
  • What do you think Tesla’s, or more specifically, Elon Musk’s strategic intent is?

Provide a rationale for your assessment, considering the unique aspects of each business.

Question 6 (1 mark):

Describe the overarching vision and objectives that appear to guide Tesla’s direction in 2018

.Part 2

Students need to select a globally recognized company and provide a brief introduction to the company. They should then explore how the company uses legal protections like patents, copyrights, trademarks, and service marks to safeguard its intellectual property. (10 Marks)


  1. Provide a brief introduction to the company, including its history, industry, and key products or services. (1 marks)
  2. Explain what intellectual property is and why it’s crucial for businesses, especially for the company you’ve selected. (1 marks)
  3. Investigate and describe the patents held by the company. Discuss the types of innovations or products that are patented and how these patents protect the company’s intellectual property. (2 marks)
  4. Examine the copyrighted materials associated with the company. This can include written content, creative works, or software. Explain how copyrights protect the company’s intellectual property. (2 marks)
  5. Identify the trademarks and service marks used by the company for branding. Explain the significance of these marks and how they contribute to the company’s brand recognition and protection. (2 marks)
  6. Discuss any challenges the company may face in protecting its intellectual property and how it enforces its rights. This could include examples of legal actions taken by the company to defend its IP. (1 marks)
  7. Summarize the key findings of your research, emphasizing the importance of intellectual property protection for the company you’ve chosen. (1 marks)

Explanation & Answer

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