Case Study-Home Depot


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Case Study Requirements and Expectations

LO 1 Demonstrate an understanding and competence in applying fundamental course concepts including (not limited to) topics in HR, ethics, sustainability, organizational change management, and strategies.


The case study pdf document on Home Depot is attached as a pdf file.

Include additional external resources from your own research

Assignment Writing Instructions:

Please follow these writing instructions when completing Case Studies:

  • Review Rubric and understand expectations
  • Each question will have a minimum required number of paragraphs (see below), please meet these requirements to maximize your earned points.
    • Paragraphs at this level of study are 5+ well-developed sentences.
  • Students must be able to apply chapter concepts from the assigned textbook
    • The emphasis of case studies will be on applying learning objectives (LOs) and concepts and critical analysis of case studies.
    • You must be able to apply two or more chapter concepts in each one of the answers.
    • I encourage using additional valid external sources after meeting the initial application of chapter concepts from the assigned textbook.
    • Strong emphasis is placed on the application between theory and practice. **AVOID too many or long quotes; your critical analysis of the content is far more important.
    • Demonstrate your understanding of the chapter learning objectives and how to apply these concepts to real organizational situations.
  • Format your analysis in MS Word, 1″ margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman, please use italics sparingly.
  • APA: Please include in-text citations (with p. #) for all content and external sources included.



  • Create headers (be creative). Headers replace questions to be answered – located below
    • Without a clear separation of answers via headers, it becomes difficult to know where one answer ends and the other begins.
    • See example below
  • Research topics which will contribute to your focus do not forget to include them in your Reference page
  • Write and cite, write and cite. Facts must be cited. Use APA guidelines


ALL Assignments must be completed using APA guidelines.

Read the case study on Home Depot (above PDF) and answer the questions posted here:

  1. How much did the external environment impact Home Depot’s decisions? (Ch 01 & 2)
    (Minimum requirements: 3 or more paragraphs)
  2. Which internal employee communications were most essential? (Ch. 03)
    (Minimum requirements: 2 or more paragraphs)
  3. Which external communications (customers, journalists, and investors) stood out to you?
    (Minimum requirements: 2 or more paragraphs)
  4. How do you think The Home Depot managed its decision to manage the 2020 holiday shopping specifically, Black Friday? (Ch 02 & other chapters)
    (Minimum requirements: 2 or more paragraphs)
  5. What lessons have contributed to Home Depot post Covid-19 which are still in place today (2023)?


  • The FINAL deliverable will include:
    • Cover page,
    • 4 or more pages with a thorough analysis of each question.
    • Introduction and Conclusion/Summary
    • Reference page(s)
    • Optional: any graphs/figures need to be included in the paper’s appendices (not in the body of the paper).
  • Case Studies will be graded based on the Case Study Rubric attached to this assignment.
    • Please review the criteria in the rubric’s Exemplary category to satisfy all requirements for an exceptional grade.
  • Start on case studies early so you do not lose points.
    • Late work will be penalized at 20% per day if submitted after the due date
  • ALL work must be submitted in Canvas; EMAILED WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED


I have attached a Word file that gives an example of how to properly format the paper.

Review the example pdf file on how to format the paper and Notice:

  • Headers indicate questions asked – NOT the actual question
  • Introduction lays the foundation of the case study
    • Followed by additional information regarding the focus of the study
  • Headers ease into the substance of the questions
  • Facts are substantiated by in-text citations.
  • Direct quotes are followed by the student’s interpretation of the quote
  • Elevated vocabulary
  • Conclusion wraps up the focus indicated in the Introduction
  • References begin on a new page

The book used as class textbook is as follows:

  • Publisher: SAGE Publications
  • Published: April 2023; Copyright: 2024
  • ISBN: 9781071870693
  • Edition: 6
  • Title: Organization Change
  • Author: W. Warner Burke
  • Imprint: SAGE Publications, Inc
  • Language: English

I have also attached the chapter notes in pdf form to have as a reference to the books chapters 1, 2, and 3.

Explanation & Answer

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