Business consultant working for Business Solutions 3500words (Pls read all the points before bidding thanks )


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You are a senior Business consultant working for Armani Business Solutions (ABS) Limited, a business

Consultancy firm. A company with diverse strategic business unit (SBUs) is planning to enter a country suitable

For their business and you have been commissioned as their consultant. You are to advice on the type of business

Unit that would be suitable for a particular country. Your task is to produce a report on their behalf answering

The following questions:

Recommend a business and a country and provide an interal and external analysis explaining the


Possible opportunities as well as threats your client could face within the market of your recommended

Country and provide possible solutions. (20%)

QUESTION 1-Internal Analysis

You should provide internal analysis of your selected organisation

(This could be carried out using tools like SWOT, TOWS, RBV, VRIO, and Value

QUESTION 1-External Analysis

You should provide external analysis of your selected organisation (This

Could be carried out using PESTEL and/or other external frameworks

Note: The analysis should focus on the host country(New recommended

2. Critically assess three modes of market-entry that could be suitable to your client. Out of the three

Options, make a recommendation with justification as to the most appropriate one. (25%)

QUESTION 2-Market-Entry options

You will need to critically explain the main market entry modes

Including but not restricted to Strategic Alliances, Mergers and

Acquisitions, FDIs etc.

Then choose one option you deem to be most suitable to your client

With justification of choice

3. To what extent should the selected business unit be standardised or adapted for your chosen country.

Give a fiulljustification for your ideas (10%)

QUESTION 3-Adaptation and Standardisation

Explain the general terms of adaptation and standardisation of

Business unit with examples

Then demonstrate by way of critical analysis whether there is a need

For your client to adapt its business unit according to customer

Specifications, government regulations, polices, and country culture

Or if there is a need to offer standardised business unit across the

Aifferent market/country.

4. Applying Porter’s generic strategy to explain how your client could gain competitive advantage by

Adopting one of the gencric strategies in your recommended market (20%)

QUESTION 4-Porter’s Generic Strategy

(Cost Leadership, Differentiation, and Focus strategies

First of all, explain Porter’s generic strategies

Identify your clients current strategic positioning and then choose

One of the generic strategies and critically analyse why it will be the

Best suited strategy for your client to pursue within the chosen

Market compared to the other generic strategies


5. Produce a strategic implementation plan and critically assess how your client could measure its success

In this market and how it could improve in the future (15%)


Strategic Implementation Plan and Measurement of Success

Produce a strategic management plan, based on the above analysis that produces a valid

Strategic direction, objectives and tactical actions for the next 5 years of the organisation.

This can be done using Balanced scorecard/Strategy map)

Explain some of the ways of measuring success eg. Sales targets, Market share, profitability,

Returns on Investment etc. As well as ways it could improve in the future

The remaining 10% of marks will be given for overall structure, presentation, synthesis and general use of wider


Requirement: Select option One or Two

Option One

You are required to produce a 3500 word REPORT

You are allowed a 10% plus or Minus dispensation of the word limit

The word count excludes the Executive summary, Content page, References and Appendices

Explanation & Answer

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