Business Conflict Situation Discussion


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When in a conflict situation, most of us tend to focus quickly on what we want—our position regarding the issue at hand. For example, “I want my child to listen to me and do what I say.” However, a more useful strategy is to identify the interests involved—the why that led us to the what. Understanding the why—the interests—of both ourselves and others is a key strategy for resolving conflicts successfully. Returning to the example, it could be helpful to focus on the position of, “I want my child to be a good listener and understand how the consequences impact their life so that they grow up to be a well-adjusted adult who will be better equipped to persevere through inevitable hardships.” In this Discussion, you will consider the impact of interests and positions in a conversation you have had.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Consider a specific time when you needed to negotiate in order to reach agreement with another person regarding what to do or how to handle a situation in which you had conflicting views. You will analyze this interaction for this week’s Discussion.
  • Consider a specific time when you needed to negotiate in order to reach agreement with another person regarding what to do or how to handle a situation in which you had conflicting views. You will analyze this interaction for this week’s Discussion.

Post an analysis of the effects of focusing on interests versus positions in conversations. In your analysis, do the following:

  • Briefly outline the conflict you identified, including each person’s point of view regarding the desired course of action.
  • Describe the degree to which each party took the time to fully understand the other’s point of view versus trying to persuade the other party to conform to their own point of view.
  • Describe the degree to which the conversation focused on positions (i.e., “what I want”) versus interests (i.e., “the why behind what I want”).
  • Analyze the outcome of the conversation, including both the course of action decided upon and the impact on the relationship.
  • Analyze what you would replicate or change if the same conversation were held again today, including why.
  • Briefly outline the conflict you identified, including each person’s point of view regarding the desired course of action.
  • Describe the degree to which each party took the time to fully understand the other’s point of view versus trying to persuade the other party to conform to their own point of view.
  • Describe the degree to which the conversation focused on positions (i.e., “what I want”) versus interests (i.e., “the why behind what I want”).
  • Analyze the outcome of the conversation, including both the course of action decided upon and the impact on the relationship.
  • Analyze what you would replicate or change if the same conversation were held again today, including why.

Respond to peers:

Peer 1/NP:

The conflict for my discussion revolved around a conflict with money we needed to allow for a specific project. There was a disagreement in exactly how much should be allowed due to other projects and budget cuts. I was advocating for a larger amount due to research that proved we would make more money longer term. The other individual did not want to spend that much because he wanted more money to go to his short-term project interests. There was some initial discussion in the separate opinions on why each party felt the way they did. Once we got deeper into the specifics it was understood the other’s point of view, but the ideas were very opposite in position.

The degree to which the conversation focused on the “what I want” and “ the why behind what I want” positions, it boiled down to having conflicting goals in our work. For this instance, one of us was more focused on long term stability while the other was more focused on specific projects that would produce quick money. It’s difficult to reconcile the two since the big goal was to make more money. It’s important to remember that when goals are set for team members, make sure that those goals don’t conflict with other goals set for specific team members, or set for other people. And if your own goals are unclear or conflicting, speak with your boss and negotiate goals that work for everyone (Emerald Works Limited, n.d.).

The outcome of the conversation resulted in money being more allocated to long term projects that would produce stability as long as forecasting and budget was practiced diligently. For the impact on the relationship between the two of us, there was some bitterness at first. Then I decided to meet with him in a one-on-one to hear why he felt the way he did on short term projects. This ended up showing him his ideas mattered and that I wanted to help support him instead of being opposite of him and his passions. Ringer (n.d.) mentions that it’s helpful to cultivate an attitude of discovery and curiosity. Trying to learn as much as possible about your opponent/partner and their point of view can go a long way.

For future conflict situations, a few things I would change is showing more empathy and more active listening. To elaborate, it’s normal to want to state your own case instead of hearing out the other side. However, when two people do this the conversation goes in circles. Instead, encourage the other party to describe their position and ask how they think they might resolve the issue. Most importantly, listen with empathy. Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes is an essential part of a productive negotiation. This helps you to build mutual respect and understanding and in the long run achieve an outcome that satisfies both parties. With active listening, to really identify the source of the conflict you must really listen. To listen actively, paraphrase the other party’s points to show you’re listening and really understand them. Look out for non-verbal signals that contradict what they are saying. Bring these out into the open to address them together. Lastly, use body language, such as nodding your head, to show interest and make it clear that you’re following them (Emerald Works Limited, n.d.).

Peer 2/YYL:

The context of the conflict had between a newer colleague, of influence, and I involved our annual support for a local family business. The colleague believes the owner of the business is too niggardly and private to work with, so wishes to opt for another vendor; however, we have been working with this business for years and have always received positive feedback from our stakeholders. The colleague believes we should opt out for something more mainstreamed that can attract a larger demographic than the previous. I believe the statistics prove the local business have been contributing to our success on this end and that our support to the local business also contributes directly to our local economy.

I first sat in on the colleague’s proposition for a new vendor showcasing the probabilities of attracting larger demographics. Following, I presented the colleague with annual reports, pertinent to this case, indicating the past successes. The evidence also showed that overtime new demographics were attracted. In the open floor discussion, the colleague expressed that if the vendor was more mainstreamed and well known, not only will it have the potential to attract more demographics, it would increase the marketing capabilities by word of mouth. I then presented to the colleague actual testimonies of consumers who have expressed to the company the sought us out because they have heard of a local vendor who was providing some quality goods that attracted their attention. Some even expressed having traveled great distances. The argument was, why replace something that is already proving overtime to be more successful over something that has the potential to provide that similar process? After regarding one another’s point of view we could then move forward with finding a process that worked to the betterment of the organization (Jenner, 2015).

My colleague saw my argument was valid but also presented a worthy notion worth investing into. What could we do effectively to reach an agreement that contributed to the success of the business? Through the discussion, as alluded to previously, we determined that the best route is to continue investing into the local vendor but also incorporate the mainstream domestic business into the process and compare the results at the end of the term. The relationship remained effective and friendly throughout because we shared the same ambition of reaching the desired goals of the firm yet had our own unique solutions that required testing to see which one would provide the most effective result (Emerald Works Limited, n.da.). The outcome resulted in an enthusiastic joint effort of logistical planning to effectively integrate the desired vendor in conjunction to the local vendor. This was then set into a proposition to be presented to the team during the next team meeting to vote on. To provide a brief context on the terms, if the new vendor out-performs the existing vendor then it would eventually transition out the existing; however, if the existing vendor proves effective as it previously has then it will continue to be invested in. The one thing that contributed to a stronger relationship was our openness to examining the course of action with one another (Emerald Works Limited, n.da.). Even if the existing vendor continues to show more effective, this new strategy devised of testing different vendors with our processes will help us to determine the more effective vendors for the other avenues as well.

If there was one thing I could change about this conversation were it to be had again is presenting a different avenue for the proposition, as opposed to the one where success is already at large. For instance, if the colleague presented the notion of replacing the existing vendor for another that might prove to be more effective, I could present the colleague with the annual report on the successes of the vendor but also present a potential area for improvement where a specific vendor whose performance ought to be questioned. In doing this, I am providing the colleague a better opportunity towards acquiring more value in return for their efforts (Emerald Works Limited, n.db.). For instance, the colleague would see the logic for why it is not imperative at the moment for a replacement vendor but see that we have weaker areas in other avenues that this proposition can effectively contribute towards to the betterment of the organization.


Understanding Conflict

There are a number of reasons for and sources of conflict in business, and understanding how and why conflicts emerge is critical to understanding how to manage them. It is likely that you will encounter conflicts more than once throughout your career, so it is important to develop the skills and knowledge needed to handle conflicts when they occur. Using these resources, you will examine conflict within the workplace.

Handling Difficult Conversations

As a leader, you may be called upon to handle a variety of difficult conversations throughout your career. In a managerial context, for example, you may have to address performance concerns with employees, deliver tough news to your team, or resolve conflicts between individuals. When interacting with your peers or your own leadership, other challenging situations may arise that will require you to call upon the skills you have developed to handle them with diplomacy, tact, and courage. Through these resources, you will explore the skills required for handling difficult conversations.

Skills for Resolving Conflict

The ability to manage conflict and reach resolution is an important set of skills for business leaders to develop. Sometimes leaders are called upon to help transform unhealthy business relationships into more positive, productive ones, whether within teams or between individuals. Using these resources, you will explore conflict resolution skills as you consider their relevance to your own business practices.



Business continuity planning is about having tested backup plans that will allow the business to continue to operate even if the current information systems become unavailable due to natural disasters, technical issues, or human error. For example, Chase Bank may contract IBM to have its information systems in Ohio roll over to IBM’s systems in Texas. Ohio suffers a natural disaster that causes a system outage on Chase’s information systems there. Although it sounds simple, it is a challenging task. An organization needs to plan, test, and re-test its business continuity plan, so it can continue to operate without disruption in the event of a major business information systems failure. In this Discussion, you will consider the importance of business continuity planning for an organization.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the following video on the Business Skill for Good of planning:
  • Think about an organization with which you are familiar. It should be an organization that relies on information technology in some way to conduct business.
  • Then imagine that you have been hired as a consultant by this organization to demonstrate the value of business continuity planning. Your first task is to identify the risks of not having a plan in place for how to handle a crisis or other unforeseen incident that could shut down the organization’s operations for a period of time (or even permanently).
  • Review the following video on the Business Skill for Good of planning:
  • Think about an organization with which you are familiar. It should be an organization that relies on information technology in some way to conduct business.
  • Then imagine that you have been hired as a consultant by this organization to demonstrate the value of business continuity planning. Your first task is to identify the risks of not having a plan in place for how to handle a crisis or other unforeseen incident that could shut down the organization’s operations for a period of time (or even permanently).

Time Estimate: 2 minutes

Post an analysis of the risks to your selected organization of not having a business continuity plan in place. In your analysis, include the following:

  • Briefly describe the organization you selected, being sure not to reveal the name of the company or any individuals involved. Include whether this is a business that provides services or products (or both) to its customers, how big the company is (small business, midsized company, large corporation), where it operates (locally, regionally, nationally, and/or internationally), and (generally) how it uses information technology to conduct its business.
  • Then identify at least seven risks, based on how the organization functions and conducts business, of not having a plan in place in the event of an IT shutdown. Explain which of these you think is the most significant risk to the company and why.
  • Briefly describe the organization you selected, being sure not to reveal the name of the company or any individuals involved. Include whether this is a business that provides services or products (or both) to its customers, how big the company is (small business, midsized company, large corporation), where it operates (locally, regionally, nationally, and/or internationally), and (generally) how it uses information technology to conduct its business.
  • Then identify at least seven risks, based on how the organization functions and conducts business, of not having a plan in place in the event of an IT shutdown. Explain which of these you think is the most significant risk to the company and why.

Respond to Peers:

Peer 1/JTJR:

The company that I am consulting for, and will refer to as ABC, is a small-business that employees 4 people and is based locally, in Bermuda. ABC sells kids clothing, shoes and accessories. It relies on information technology by way of advertising (social media), POS systems (in-store) and a website (e-commerce). Although you can shop online, international shipping is not offered.

One might think that because Bermuda is so tiny, and ABC is a small local business, they typically would not be a target for cyber security attacks. However, anyone who uses networks, computers or devices should have cybersecurity protection in place. (Carlton & Delesline III, 2022) A driving factor for anyone to have continuity plan in place should be the fact that being unprepared results in a direct impact that could ultimately be the end all, be all of the company. (ProServeIT, 2017) The risks include:

  • Reduced productivity – if IT systems were to shut down, the business nor the website can function because the employees cannot access the resources needed to do their job. (korteksolutions, 2021)
  • Loss of income – if the e
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