BMGT 305 Knowledge Management – Discussion Week 2


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Topic: How the KM Model Brings Organization to the Tasks of the KM Cycle

Rockfish read Jane’s memo and is intrigued by the idea of KM, but he is still not so sure that he understands how it all works. He googled KM and discovered that the Nonaka and Takeuchi model was one of the most widely accepted foundation schemes for KM users. Jane being the good manager that she is told Rockfish to speak with you. Rockfish did so and now he has asked you to give him a short 6 slide PowerPoint with speaker notes explaining the model and how it might work at Global Delivery Direct.

Use the example of Dawn Jasper, the current administrative assistant to the airplane purchasing agent. She knows everything there is to know about buying a plane but since she is not the person doing the negotiations her knowledge is never really sought after by anyone but her boss. Explain how this information could be shared with others using the KM model and cycle tasks.


  1. BY SATURDAY, complete the following:
    • In six slides explain the relationship between the N&T KM model and how it works with the KM cycle tasks to create shared information. Use Dawn as your example. Ensure you weave Dawn’s example across all 4 quadrants to show how her knowledge would flow from quadrant to quadrant and what KM activities would take place in each quadrant.
    • The slides must have speaker notes explaining your model and the relationship.
    • You must use course material to support your responses and include APA format in-text citations and reference list.
  2. THROUGHOUT THE WEEK, complete the following:
    • Respond to at least three of your classmates on three or more days throughout the week. Remember you are trying to develop the best answers to the questions as possible. Your classmates are doing the same so read the posts carefully looking for the best ideas being presented. The goal is that by the end of the week the class will come to some consensus as to the best answers giving you the chance to submit the best ideas in the final post.
    • You must use course materials to support your responses. Ensure you include in your comments where in our readings they can find the supporting materials so they can improve their final posting.
    • Participation must be reflected in the final post so grades will be affected to the content portion of the post if participation is not shown. Therefore, it is important to get in the class often and with the idea of improving your initial post with the discussion so that the final grade will be the best you can deliver.
  3. BY TUESDAY, complete the following:
    • Attach your final post in the classroom by 11:59 PM ET – please create a new discussion thread for your final post.
    • The final post must reflect the brainstorming activities and should be different from the Saturday initial post.
    • The final post must include a variety of sources from the class material, research, as well as the use of scenario or case study facts where appropriate.

How to Do Well in Discussions

  • Make your initial post responding to the above questions by Saturday, 11:59 p.m. ET.
  • Comment on at least three of your classmates’ posts by Monday, 11:59 p.m. ET.
  • Post your final posting by Tuesday, 11:59 p.m. ET.
  • Posting late may lose you points.
  • Respond to the specific questions posed in the discussion.
  • Be sure to base your initial post and responses on course materials, and use 7th ed. APA citations in every post.
  • Post your responses over three days and respond to three or more students to receive full credit for frequency of participation.
  • Write clearly and proofread; errors can lose you points.
  • Quality of posts, citations, frequency, and timeliness of posts all factor into your discussion grade.
Explanation & Answer

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