Black Wall Street


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Black Wall Street: Discovering the Entrepreneur Within – (BWS #1) – 105 Points (including 10 Points for 10 references)

Conduct research on Black Wall Street. How many businesses were in Greenwood? How long did it take to establish Greenwood? Are there any 3-dimensional or architectural models of Greenwood currently available, and what other historical overviews of Greenwood are available?

This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to reflect and discover Greenwood, once referred to as “Little Africa” a prosperous African American community that stood as a testament to the self-reliance, pride and mutual cooperation that shaped the rebuilding of Black life in the aftermath of slavery and Reconstruction. The Black district was home to dozens of profitable businesses, newspapers, theaters, libraries, and banks, including several multimillionaires.

In the early 1900s, Greenwood attracted southern migrants who were fleeing to the North and West in an attempt to escape the brutality of white racial domination in southern states, including economic and political repression.

What many African Americans found when they traveled to the North and West was more segregation. Although racism divided Tulsa, Black residents pooled their resources together to create a lucrative business community and Black professional class. In the face of racial discrimination and segregation, African Americans in Greenwood achieved self-determination.

Make sure you provide references to support your responses. Answer All the Black Wall Street Questions Below:

1. How many businesses was in Greenwood?

2. How long did it take to establish Greenwood?

3. What incident (s) sparked the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921? What were the real motives behind the Tulsa Race Riot?

4. What role did the local sheriff play in the Tulsa Riot of 1921? Who was responsible for ordering the air bombing “Black Wall Street?”

5. What was Field Order #3?

6. What did local authorities do to suppress the knowledge of the Massacre?

6. How many black people were murdered during the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921? What was the damage done to “Black Wall Street” and the black community of Tulsa?

7. What did the Oklahoma government do to the aid to blacks that was coming from other states? What lie did “embarrassed” city officials and clergymen present to the world regarding aid to blacks after the Massacre?

8. How many Black insurance claims were submitted? How many were awarded?How many White claims were submitted? How many were awarded?

9. What did the mayor do with the land and property owned by blacks and burned down after the Riot?

11. How did the Oklahoma government suppress evidence of the Riot?

12. How did the white Tulsa newspaper describe the Massacre?

13. What happened with the trial of Dick Rowland, the man responsible for attempting to rape the white elevator worker that sparked the riot?

14. How was the Massacre suppressed? How were blacks confined after the Massacre?

15. What would have happened to whites who harbored blacks or tried to help defenseless blacks during the Massacre?

16. Are there any 3d or architecture models of Greenwood currently available?

17. What other historical overview of Greenwood is currently available?

18. What is the benefit of a Black Wall Street?

19. How can a New Black Wall Street be created?

Explanation & Answer

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