Annotated Bibliography is Due


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Facing the Khmer Rouge : A Cambodian Journey.Links to an external site.

Yimsut, Ronnie.; Chandler, David P.; Savin, David.



Rungswasdisab, Puangthong. “Yale University.” Thailand’s Response to the Cambodian Genocide | Genocide Studies Program, You’re moving along. Keep up the good work! Make a final check of that Annotated Bibliography.

  • Does it have an introductory paragraph?
  • Did you include a title (more than just Annotated Bibliography)?
  • Are the entries alphabetized?
  • Do you have eight entries?
  • Did you use hanging indent for the entries?
  • Is the header in MLA format?
  • Did you include page numbers and your last name in the top right corner of each page?

Proofread your paper one more time. Read it out loud.

When you’ve checked, post your file here. Smile. Do a dance.

When you’ve had a moment to celebrate, turn your face forward and get ready to outline and write.

Please leave this page after you post. Come back and check to MAKE SURE THAT CANVAS SAYS YOU SUBMITTED THE ASSIGNMENT!

In case you’re here early looking for the assignment description, here it is.

Annotated Bibliography Assignment for English 102

Your task: to create an annotated bibliography that addresses all areas you will cover for your research paper, includes credible, significant sources, and follows proper MLA format.

Include a paragraph at the beginning of the bibliography that describes your research topic. The paragraph shouldn’t be long but should clearly articulate the questions you are trying to answer with the research you’re presenting. The paragraph should be double-spaced and should come after the title and before the first source.

Helpful hints and guidelines.

Read all of these carefully!

  • You do not have to end up using all of the sources that are in your annotated bibliography in your final research paper, but they should be sources you believe you will probably use.
  • Look at the Annotated Bibliography example I posted.
  • You should give your annotated bibliography a real title. Try something like this: Ma Rainey’s Blues and Feminism: An Annotated Bibliography.
  • Be sure you include an opening paragraph that sets up your research project.
  • Use hanging indent for the bibliography section (after the initial paragraph). Don’t know how? Google it.
  • Do not justify (make straight) the right margin of papers in this class.
  • You should have eight reliable sources in your bibliography.
  • Find sources that examine your topic in a variety of ways and from different perspectives.
  • You should use a mix of types of sources. Don’t use all books, journal articles or websites. Include at least three scholarly journal articles and two books. You should have at least three types of sources in your annotated bibliography. You may not use Wikipedia articles or other unreliable website articles.
  • If you include websites, make sure you know what organization put them up, and that they are reliable.
  • Come up with your own annotations. I’m aware that databases give summaries of articles. Create your own. That’s the point! Using very short quotes from the article is fine, but make sure to put them in quotation marks. Don’t plagiarize your annotations. If you don’t know what plagiarism is, check your book or ask. If you plagiarize even one entry, you will fail the assignment.
  • Your annotations should be 3-5 sentences, and should do more than simply summarize the source. After a solid summary, provide author credentials if it’s a scholarly source. If it isn’t, look at what authority the source depends. Also consider establishing the relationship between the source and your paper or the source and other sources in your bibliography. If your source is a study, give the parameters and results of the study (in your own words, for a general audience).
  • Revise, edit and proofread your annotated bibliography.
  • The whole annotated bibliography is double-spaced and alphabetized. Don’t add extra lines between entries.
  • Get to work early. Don’t wait until the last moment or you’ll end up with a headache AND you won’t get much out of doing the assignment!

If you have questions, use the examples I’ve posted and the Purdue OWL. Try the reference librarians at our school as well (they are brainiacs, I kid you not). You can also email me. I won’t format your entries for you, but am happy to point you in the right direction if you need a hand. It’s best to ask early!


Annotated Bibliography Rubric (1)

Annotated Bibliography Rubric (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat and titleo Double-Spaced o Alphabetized o Heading o Margins o Last name and page number on each page (page one is optional)

5 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Topic Statemento Sets up research topic clearly o Flows well o Is written clearly

20 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSourceso Depth of information o Breadth of information o Credibility o Types of sources o Cover all areas mentioned in the Research Topic Statement

50 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotationso Summary o Evaluation o Outside information (author, connection to topic, etc) o Sentence structure o Flow of annotation o Show critical and reflective thinking o Demonstrate careful proofreading

50 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitationso Include all required information o Proper MLA format for entries o Demonstrate careful proofreading

25 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

25 pts

Total Points: 150

Explanation & Answer

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