Accompany an Energy Company in Understanding Marketing Solutions


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To help you with this project, we have developed milestones that will guide you throughout each step, along with recommendations and tips on how to work on what is expected of you.

Before working on your project, we recommend:

  1. reading through the whole scenario and sections of the project,
  2. consulting the milestones and organizing your time accordingly,
  3. preparing a list of questions for your first mentorship session and getting feedback on your action plan!


Logo of the marketing agency

Dynamo, the marketing agency you joined last year as an account executive, has new potential for growth. HaloGen, a smart meter manufacturer, has contacted Dynamo because they are looking for an agency to take on their account. You’ve been invited to join the pitch team presenting to Halogen. With Erica, the business developer director, you’ll have to prepare the pitch to convince HaloGen to work with your team!

Erica has called you into a briefing meeting to discuss how you’re going to win the business. Here’s the recording of the briefing:

[Link to transcript]

You’ll be specifically in charge of preparing slides to include in the pitch presentation. After the briefing, Erica sends you a recap email:

From: Erica

To: Me

Subject: Marketing presentation pitch

Hi there!

I’m glad you’re going to help us get this new client!

I’ve prepared a draft of what I think is necessary to include. You should at least cover the sections I’ve put in here, but don’t hesitate to expand if you have more ideas.

Could you please finalize the presentation? Don’t hesitate to add illustrations, examples and infographics. For the customer journey (or customer lifecycle), it needs to be very visual. You should recreate or use an infographic on one slide to represent and explain all the steps. Additionally, give at least two examples of communication channels or touchpoints for each step and make sure to explain the different targets.

You need to convince them to open their marketing budget (especially for digital marketing) by explaining the benefits our company can provide. The audience will not be familiar with the marketing lexicon, so be sure to stay sharp in your arguments and adapt your vocabulary accordingly.



Business Developer Director – Dynamo

One week later

Once you’ve done the initial presentation and sent it to Erica, she reaches out and asks you to add one last section.

From : Erica

To : me

Subject : Feedback – Marketing presentation pitch


Thanks for sending the updated presentation. It’s looking great! I think the Halogen team will have a better understanding of how we can help them develop their marketing plan.

In order to fine-tune this presentation, you could add more concrete examples of what smart and effective digital marketing means. This will help emphasize how we provide state-of-the-art content and campaigns.

Can you create a portfolio of examples that reflect our best work? I want you to look for at least three examples linked with either the energy industry, or at least targeted towards really digital-friendly consumers. I have already prepared examples here on a few slides. You can draw inspiration from this to see what level of information is needed and use it as a template to add your examples!

Each example must represent a different step of the customer journey and highlight key characteristics that make it an interesting example for HaloGen:

  • What was the objective of the campaign?
  • Was it successful?
  • Why is it original or creative, or effective?

Whatever you think will help convince HaloGen they need to sign with us!

Good luck with this,


Business Developer Director – Dynamo

You now have all the elements you need and get to work!


  1. A presentation on marketing using PowerPoint or equivalent, including:
  • the template with all sections filled in, on the role of marketing,
  • the portfolio illustrating the agency’s grasp of the state of the art of digital marketing.

Project Presentation

The oral session will last 30 minutes, during which your assessor will play the role of Erica. The assessor will challenge your decisions, so be prepared to defend your work. The presentation will be structured as follows:

  • Presentation of deliverables (15 minutes)
    • Introduction (2 min max)
      • introduce yourself and your role at Dynamo for this project,
      • explain the objective of the meeting,
      • provide an overview of what will be discussed.
    • Present your findings using the slide deck. Then explain your research and why you have selected this information.
  • Discussion (10 minutes)
    • Playing the role of Erica, the assessor will ask you questions about your methodology and your deliverables, e.g., “What’s the difference between consideration and awareness?”, “How did you select your examples?”, “Can you explain again what you mean by Pricing in the 7Ps?”
  • Debrief (5 minutes)
    • At the end of the session, the assessor will stop playing the role of Erica so that you can debrief together.


  • Interpret and follow: latest developments in digital media technologies and trends
  • Understand and can apply basic marketing principles
  • Understand and can apply the customer lifecycle
Explanation & Answer

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