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hi no i need 4 doct 1 rely need it by tomorrow

16 hours ago


9.3 Unit 9 & 10: Discussion Board (GRADED DISCUSSION)


Discussion Instructions


According to the ACLU, bail reform is mandatory to reduce mass incarceration. “The original purpose of bail was to serve as an incentive to return to court when a person is arrested, released, and their case proceeds. However, the current money bail system has little to do with this original intent. Rather it has mutated into a way to separate people who have money from those who don’t. People with money can almost always buy their way to freedom, regardless of the charges against them. Yet people without access to cash too often end up in jail simply because they cannot afford bail, or alternatively, they must take out loans from bail companies that charge exorbitant fees.”

To achieve the objective(s),

  • Read chapters 9 & 10 and listen to the lecture in this module.
  • Read the case materials in the 9.2 Chapter Review Assignment text box.
  • Watch the Peterson documentary.

See the directions and rubric for more details.



  • Identify the major components of the criminal justice system.
  • Describe the differences between federal and state courts.
  • Identify the major theories which attempt to explain crime causation.
  • Identify the processes by which a criminal case progresses from investigation to appeal.
  • Identify the Bill of Rights Amendments that impact the criminal justice system most.


  • Understand that as a student in this course:
    • Summarize the development of American courts, including the concept of the dual-court system.
    • Describe a typical state court system, including some differences between the state and federal court systems.
    • Describe the structure of the federal court system, including the various types of federal courts.
    • Identify all typical job titles of the courtroom workgroup members.
    • Describe the roles of professional members of the courtroom workgroup.
    • Describe the roles of outsiders or nonprofessional courtroom participants.

Discussion title: “Bail or no Bail “

This week’s discussion aligns with the chapter objectives regarding the process of bail/bond. It is designed to invoke your critical thinking skills as you analyze the facts of the case. You were required to review the documents on Joseph Edward Duncan III.

On August 28, 2018, Governor Brown for the State of California signed Senate Bill 10, eliminating the current cash bail system.


Click on the links below to review Senate Bill 10 from the link below. Click on the link to watch the brief video on bail from the link below.

*Read Senate Bill 10 (link)Links to an external site.

*Watch the Bail Video (link)Links to an external site.

Links to an external site.*Respond to the question:

  • What is the significance of Senate Bill 10? Support your response with researched information, not just your opinion.


*Review the video on the Joseph Edward Duncan case from the link below. Duncan was released on bond after allegations of sexual molestation of a young boy.

*Summarize the facts of the case.

*Respond to the question: Would you have released him on bail if you were the judge? Explain your rationale.

Remember that your initial response should have a minimum of 500-750 words since the discussion is worth 20 points. You must respond to the posts of at least two colleagues. Expressing an opinion is not enough. You will be evaluated on the consistency and quality of your posts on the weekly discussion board. I will primarily be looking for how well you support your comments. I expect you to work to make meaning of the material of the course. I look for depth of engagement and a level of critical thinking and inquiry. Success hinges on keeping up with readings and referring to them as much as possible when you do respond.

As a reminder, you are not sending out a text message or tweet, so when writing your post, use proper English, grammar, and writing mechanics.

Use the “Reply” icon to start your discussion. Once you type and spell-check your thread, use the “Post Reply” icon to submit your thoughts. You can also review the Canvas video on posting discussions.

Participants must create a thread in order to view other threads in this forum.


Read the post and then respond accordingly by Thursday @11:59 p.m. Once you have posted your initial answer, you must post at least one follow-up post by Sunday @ @11:59 p.m. Your follow-up post may be either a further response to the initial post or a response to one of your classmates’ initial posts. Be sure to expand on colleagues’ concepts of the discussion topic.

As a reminder, you are not sending out a text message or tweet, so when writing your post, use proper English, grammar, and writing mechanics.

Use the “Reply” icon to start your discussion. Once you type and spell-check your thread, use the “Post Reply” icon to submit your thoughts. You can also review the Canvas video on posting discussions.

Participants must create a thread in order to view other threads in this forum.


As you read and respond to others’ posts, keep in mind some basic rules for netiquette:

      • Be kind and respectful to others
      • Use full sentences
      • Don’t use too much jargon
      • Treat others online as you wish to be treated
      • Use language that supports others


  • Anticipated turn-around time-5 days
  • The criteria are outlined in the rubric below
  • You will be given feedback on ways to improve.
  • Review the feedback each week to help you improve on future assignments


Here are some Canvas guides you can use to help you navigate discussion posts and submit your discussion replies



How do I reply to a discussion as a student? Links to an external site.

Canvas Student Guides, Discussion Topic List Links to an external site.


This assignment is graded with a rubric. Use these resources for rubric viewing and viewing your grade.

How do I view the rubric for my graded discussion?Links to an external site.

How do I view the rubric for my assignment?Links to an external site.

How do I view rubric results for my assignmentLinks to an external site.

*Helpful Hint: Click on the three-dot menu on the top of this page to view the Grading Rubric for the discussion board.

docts 2

0.3 Unit 10(a): Discussion Board (Optional DISCUSSION)-EC

You Decide: Is Scott Peterson guilty of murder? Share your thoughts.

*This Discussion does not require a minimum word count. One paragraph and a response to the posts of your colleagues will suffice.

RELY 1 After reviewing the Scott Petersons case I came to an understanding that it was a horrifying act done by Scott Peterson who killed his eight months pregnant wife and an unborn son Conner. Scott Peterson killed her and throw her body in brooks island in San Francisco. When police investigated and Scott Peterson claimed that he was fishing that day. His suspicious behavior and suspicious statements raised many questions and he was keep lieing. When police investigated further and found evidences against Scott Peterson, police kept him in his custody until his trails. At the end he was found guilty in court and was sentenced to death. According to my thoughts he accepted that he killed his wife and son but I don’t think he was ashamed of his action. By seeing the court’s decision, I think justice was served because he got the punishment for his horrifying action he committed.

docts 3

  • Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload

Assignment Instructions


This assignment aligns with the learning objectives of the Court System.

To achieve the objective(s),

  • Read chapters 9 & 10 and listen to the videos in this module.

See the directions and rubric for more details



  • Identify the major components of the criminal justice system.
  • Describe the differences between federal and state courts.
  • Identify the major theories which attempt to explain crime causation.
  • Identify the processes by which a criminal case progresses from investigation to appeal.
  • Identify the Bill of Rights Amendments that impact the criminal justice system most.


  • Summarize the development of American courts, and including the concept of the dual-court system.
  • Describe a typical state court system, including some differences between the state and federal court systems.
  • Describe the structure of the federal court system, including the various types of federal courts.
  • Identify all typical job titles of the courtroom workgroup members.
  • Describe the roles of professional members of the courtroom workgroup.
  • Describe the roles of outsiders or nonprofessional courtroom participants.


(Optional)*You may complete this assignment in teams of two. Each individual must submit a copy of the teams’ response and note their contributions to the assignment. ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: Sunday, October 29 @ 11:59 p.m. ***You have two weeks, so extensions will not be granted.***

The case for review is referenced in your textbook and aligns with the learning objectives for chapters 9 & 10. Please remember the point value of each assignment before submission. Submit your response in this Module (Unit 5).

You may complete this chapter review assignment in teams of two. Courts


  1. Watch the documentary on the Scott Peterson case. (You are not required to watch the entire video).

  1. Review: *Conduct a high-level overview of the attached appellate court document on the Scott Peterson (Peterson) case. You are not required to read the entire appellate packet. Answer the questions noted below in essay format:
  2. Summarize the facts of the Peterson case.
  3. Respond to the following questions below:
    • Q: Was Scott Peterson afforded the opportunity for bail? If so, what were the stipulations of his bail?
    • Describe the criminal trial process in the case.
    • Note the outcome of the case.
    • Q: If you were the Appellate Judge, what would be your decision in this matter and why?

Scott Peterson-Plea Agreement


Minimize File Preview


These assignments are designed to help you maintain an adequate pace with the weekly assigned readings and to have you critically assess the challenges in your local and global communities. *Remember you can choose any modality for submission-Essay, PPT, Video, Infographic, etc.*

Since you are the future leaders of tomorrow, the questions are meant to invoke your critical thinking skills. Be sure to submit a substantive response to earn maximum points. Start with an introductory paragraph to give the reader a clear picture of the topic. Assume that the reader has no knowledge of the subject matter and that you are being tasked with explaining the concepts. Subsequent paragraphs should support your topic with researched information from your textbook, outside resources, and your independent assessment. Be sure to end with a concluding paragraph and cite your sources.

Essay Response: Be sure to submit a substantive response to earn maximum points. Start with an introductory paragraph to give the reader a clear picture of the topic. Assume that the reader has no knowledge of the subject matter and that you are being tasked with explaining the concepts. Subsequent paragraphs should support your topic with researched information from your textbook, outside resources, and your independent assessment. Be sure to end with a concluding paragraph and cite your sources.

Video Response: Be sure to address each facet of the assignment to meet the required parameters (hint: a three-minute video may not be sufficient to meet the assignment’s parameters). So, you are encouraged to create an outline to stay on track.

PPT Response: Be sure to address each facet of the assignment to meet the required parameters (you should aim for at least ten slides with graphics & speaker notes).


  • Anticipated turn-around time-5 days
  • The criteria are outlined in the rubric below
  • You will be given feedback on ways to improve.
  • Review the feedback each week to help you improve on future assignments


Here are some Canvas guides you can use to help you submit your assignment.

The grading Rubric for this assignment is noted below.



Rubric: Chapter Review Assignment (1) (1) (2)

Rubric: Chapter Review Assignment (1) (1) (2)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent/Conceptualization

12 to >11.0 pts

Response displays a full understanding of the complexity of the issue addressed and multiple points of view. Recognizes varied interpretations and implications. excellent exposition, clearly and concisely written, well argued, and displaying good original input from the student.

Author directly addresses main question or issue, and adds new insight to the subject not provided in lectures, readings, or class discussions. The author has retained nearly all of the knowledge presented in class. He/She is able to synthesize this knowledge in new ways and relate to material not covered in the course. Provides compelling and accurate evidence that convinces reader to accept main argument. The importance/relevance of all pieces of evidence is clearly stated. There are no gaps in reasoning—i.e., the reader does not need to assume anything or do additional research to accept main argument. Conclusion-Elegantly synthesizes and reframes key points from the paper. Suggests new perspectives or questions relevant to the central argument, and brings closure

11 to >9.0 pts

Good exposition, but lacks clarity and concision, or doesn’t have much original input, or offers poor support for important claims.

Author competently addresses main question or issue, but does not add much new insight into the subject. That said, it is clear that the author has learned a great deal in class and is able to communicate this knowledge to others. Provides necessary evidence to convince reader of most aspects of the main argument but not all. The importance/ relevance of some evidence presented may not be totally clear. Reader must make a few mental leaps or do some additional research to fully accept all aspects of main argument. Conclusion-Synthesizes and brings closure but does not examine new perspectives or questions

9 to >7.0 pts

No Description

Response does not address some aspects of the assignment. (and/or…) Response demonstrates a somewhat shaky grasp of criminological principles. The response represents the authors’ arguments, evidence and conclusions accurately though not sufficiently clearly. (and/or…) Conclusion-Restates the same points as the topic paragraph without reframing them. (and/or…) Introduces new material rather than new perspectives.

7 to >5.0 pts

No Description

Author attempts to address main question or issue, but fails. The author has retained some information from the course, but does not fully understand its meaning or context and cannot clearly convey it to others. Not enough evidence is provided to support author’s argument, or evidence is incomplete, incorrect, or oversimplified. Information from lectures and readings is not effectively used. Conclusion-Is missing or cursory. (and/or…) Repeats the topic paragraph more-or-less verbatim.

5 to >4.0 pts

No Description

Fails to understand some aspects of the material, and/or is very unclearly written. Main points lack detailed development. Ideas are vague with little evidence of critical thinking. Shows some thinking and reasoning but most ideas are underdeveloped and unoriginal.

4 to >1.0 pts

No Description

Response does not address the assignment. Fails to follow format and assignment requirements; incorrect margins, spacing and indentation; neatness of essay needs attention.

1 to >0 pts

Did not submit a paper; plagiarized material; made no effort to understand the material or shows no sign of having read it.

12 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization/Structure/Mechanics

4 to >3.0 pts

Full Marks

Essay contains an intro, main body, and conclusion. Introduction lays out main argument and gives an outline of what the reader can expect in the essay. The conclusion brings everything together, acknowledges potential shortcomings of the paper, and gives the reader a sense of what further work might be done to advance the subject matter described in the paper.

3 to >2.0 pts

No Description

The introduction gives the reader an idea of what to expect in the paper, but does not effectively lay out the main argument. It may begin with a set of rhetorical questions, or an anecdote that is never fully explained. The conclusion does little more than restate the problematic introduction. Intro and/or conclusion may be too wordy or short.

2 to >0 pts

No Marks

Essay has no clear organizational pattern.

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling/Grammar/APA

4 to >3.0 pts

Full Marks

All sentences are grammatically correct and clearly written. No words are misused or unnecessarily fancy. Technical terms, words from other languages, and words from other historical periods are always explained. All information is accurate and up-to-date. Paper has been spell-checked AND proofread (ideally by you and somebody else), and contains no errors

3 to >2.0 pts

No Description

A few sentences are grammatically incorrect or not clearly written. Several words are misused. Technical terms, words from other languages, and words from other historical periods are rarely explained. Not all information is accurate and up-to-date. Paper has been spell-checked AND proofread, but still contains several errors. Reader’s ability to understand essay may be compromised by these errors.

2 to >0 pts

No Marks

Paper is full of grammatical errors and bad writing. Several words are misused. Technical terms, words from other languages, and words from other historical periods are rarely explained. Not all information is accurate and up-to-date. Paper has not been spell-checked or proofread, and contains numerous errors. Reader has a difficult time understanding essay because of errors.

4 pts

Total Points: 20


16 hours ago

doct 4

10.2 Unit 10: Chapter Review Assignment (Graded Assignment)

  • Points 0

The Review Assignment for Chapters 9 & 10 is combined. . You can access the parameters for the assignment in the Module for 9.2 Unit 9 or from the link below. Please do not wait until the last minute to review the appellate document on Scott Peterson. The assignment is worth 20 points. [Please try not to procrastinate. The document is lengthy.]

Chapter Review Assignment


Rubric: Chapter Review Assignment (2)

Rubric: Chapter Review Assignment (2)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent/Conceptualization

6 pts

Response displays a full understanding of the complexity of the issue addressed and multiple points of view. Recognizes varied interpretations and implications. excellent exposition, clearly and concisely written, well argued, and displaying good original input from the student.

Author directly addresses main question or issue, and adds new insight to the subject not provided in lectures, readings, or class discussions. The author has retained nearly all of the knowledge presented in class. He/She is able to synthesize this knowledge in new ways and relate to material not covered in the course. Provides compelling and accurate evidence that convinces reader to accept main argument. The importance/relevance of all pieces of evidence is clearly stated. There are no gaps in reasoning—i.e., the reader does not need to assume anything or do additional research to accept main argument. Conclusion-Elegantly synthesizes and reframes key points from the paper. Suggests new perspectives or questions relevant to the central argument, and brings closure

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